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Desert Sage
Apr 06, 2023
In Words of Encouragement!
I knew it was you!!! LOL content media
Desert Sage
Mar 26, 2023
In Kingdom Marriage
GOD Cannot Lie!!! content media
Desert Sage
Mar 14, 2023
GOD is Giving you HIS very BEST, the Very Best HE has to Offer! content media
Desert Sage
Mar 14, 2023
You helped them find GOD. They don't want to lose you! content media
Desert Sage
Mar 14, 2023
In Kingdom Marriage
The Importance of Purity... content media
Desert Sage
Mar 11, 2023
In Kingdom Marriage
Please take a moment to relate your experience! thanks!
Fresh start with God Ordained Spouse content media
Desert Sage
Mar 11, 2023
In Kingdom Marriage
Check it and comment what you think! Thanks!
GOD revealed her husband... content media
Desert Sage
Mar 11, 2023
In Kingdom Marriage
Watch this Awesome video!!!!
When God has Chosen your Soulmate!
 content media
Desert Sage
Jan 25, 2023
"A friend loves at all times" 
Proverbs 17:17 content media
Desert Sage
Jan 18, 2023
In Words of Encouragement!
Jubal Johnson PLEASE AGREE WITH THESE INCREASE DECREES — I break every financial attack against my life in Jesus’ name! I command every devouring demon to go from my life in the name of Jesus! I confess that I am blessed coming in and blessed going out according to Deuteronomy 28. I will lend and not borrow, I am the head and not the tail. I am blessed to be a blessing. I decree and declare witty ideas, supernatural favor, divine increase, jobs, raises, bonuses and supernatural multiplication. I walk in increase! I walk in the blessings of heaven. I break the spirit of poverty off of my life in the name of Jesus! Thank you Lord that you delight in my prosperity according to Psalms 35:27. I release supernatural prosperity over my life. I believe and decree that there is supernatural power to obtain wealth and increase in my life according to Deuteronomy 8:18. I turn the attack back and tap into the anointing for increase in my life in the name of Jesus! I worship you Lord as my Father and my provider. I have no lack. I have all I need. I have heavenly supply and am walking in abundant harvest in the name of Jesus. I am a radical sower and therefore I enjoy divine harvest and financial breakthrough in the name of Jesus. Amen!
Desert Sage
Jan 11, 2023
In Words of Encouragement!
Matt Spinks · Fort Wayne, IN · A GENUINE LOVE REVOLUTION. Sincerely, I know that the majority of people are longing for this. The challenge is staying true to it as your influence and platform increases. Because, there is a strong pressure put on leaders to make things look good. And, love is far too messy and risky, and will cause you to lose friends and support. The current system is built upon a measure of love, but appearances must be kept, and most Christians don't feel safe if you are messy. So, you will not garner a large ministry or community based on UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, unless you are willing to build mostly from the ground up, often without the support of the current church, even the radical guys. Please forgive me for the times I have ever seemed to have compromised this. All I know is that from this time forward, I am staying true to Jesus' love revolution. Excluding no one. I am still discovering a lot, but I am ready to stay in this heavy weighty Glory of God, as it snowballs, grassroots style through every nook and cranny of the world!
Desert Sage
Jan 10, 2023
In Words of Encouragement!
The reason we Need another Revival or Reformation is: WE KEEP DOING, WHAT WE HAVE BEEN DOING, and Expecting a different Result? Stop Trying to Get Back to the Good Ole Days. John the Baptist was that Transitional Elijah Anointed Prophet to usher in the Next Dispensation. Churchy CHURCH is so over, be honest, it's the platform and format that kills the Move of the Spirit. Heb. 6, says that at the time we should be teachers, we have need to be taught the fundamentals again. The Move of the Spirit, Exposes and Kills Sin, not the other way around. Let us move on to the knowledge of Our Perfection in Christ. And this WE WILL DO! Beloved, I am persuaded better things in YOU. By One Sacrifice you have been Forever Perfected in Christ JESUS! This Elijah Anointed Prophetic/Apostolic company of harvesters and laborers are Adorning and Embellishing the BRIDE for the BRIDEGROOM. She Will be Presented Without Fault before HIS Glorious Presence! The Fivefold ministry is just the bridesmaids, perfecting the saints, making the BRIDE Ready. Filling the House for the Marriage Supper! Declare, this Eleventh Hour, the Dispensation of the BRIDE Company, as She Moves on to Perfection.
Desert Sage
Dec 21, 2022
In Words of Encouragement!
NATE JOHNSTON 2022 — THE Year you had to Die. 2022 was the year you had to die to live—it was the trial by fire that left NOTHING except what was needed for the new day dawning. You didn’t just leave the old wineskin, it had to be stripped from your heart, mind, and soul, and left in the dirt behind you. It was a year of your will having to break and bend to His, and your dreams, goals, and ideals surrendered so you had the capacity to be given His dreams and vision. It was the year when the golden calf of ministry had to be barbecued publicly—along with its idols and gimmicks—to make way for a people whose only reward is Jesus. The old, inauthentic, and expired and the Ichabod church is breathing its last breath. 2022 was the year when faith was tested Many pioneers who were looking for a glorious triumph found themselves in the thick of battle over the promise and the great disparity between fulfillment and the grievous hope deferred that was beginning to entrench their hearts. It was a year where the eyes of the Holy Spirit brooded over His people to see who would cave into the culture and the easy way out—into quick comforts—or who would stand and face the darkest hour of opposition. Arrows flew and filled the sky like rain. Words of the self-righteous were deafening while their victims lay bloodied under a rubble of stones. The compromised church become louder—and sadly much for the wrong reasons. But in the silence and cocoon of deep heart repentance, humility and awakening incubated a people who chose the narrow road to God's heart. Where a people, who in the midst of battling their own doubts, fears, and losses, chose to stay at His feet and ride out the storm—a people who chose the unpopular road and paid the cost to go where the Holy Spirit is going. They are the ones who have stood on the crossover and contended when most walked away—they put all their chips on the table when most were bunkering down. They are the ones who have walked through fire and now walk with a limp but they also flow with the oil of God's presence. 2022 was the year of blind trust When things haven’t yet come to fruition but the door has never felt so close. It’s been the buckle-and-break moments where we have had to choose to hold on and look crazy or let go and settle. A year of mess and ducks out of order, emotions flying, trauma surfacing, and yet healing in abundance. It’s been a year of deliverance where the purging came, at first with a sting, but then welcomed like a cool drink after weeks in the hot desert. Hearts were heavy and congested and the Father's affection was ready to be poured out. It’s been a year where the evil that has lingered and thrived came to the surface—hearts and motives were revealed. Snakes in the grass are being chased out of the courts. Kingdoms, kings, and queens are shaking, empires are falling, and there's been a changing of the guard. Promotions, demotions, and dynastic reformation. A year of legacy birthing and families healing—assignments shifting and eternity coming back into view. A year of contracts breaking, demonic agreements divorcing, and nations beginning their return. 2022 was the year for the oil change The necessary pit stop and redirection—where burdens began falling like flies, and nomadic wounds were attended to. It was the moment when time stood still and hearts had time to finally be emptied and refurbished. It’s been a year where pioneers needed rest from the puzzle pieces all up in the air and from dealing with the broken expectations. A time of sudden doors closing, red tape, and unexpected outcomes that drove us to His feet. Yet in the limbo and greater unknown, we have been forged. In the unexpected hiatus, we have been reborn. There’s been an awakening and a resurrection that can’t be bought or manufactured. 2022 was the year of the great humbling The greatest setup—the year of Gideon’s men going down to the waters to drink. A year of falling apart that is ending in the fresh mantling of a newfound anointing, voice, and purpose—a year of the opening of the eyes to the blind and the setting free of the captives. A year where seekers became disciples, and outcasts took the torch to lead the charge. A year where the fire around us became the raging fire inside of us, and the catching of movements that we will carry with us into 2023 and beyond.
Desert Sage
Dec 14, 2022
In Words of Encouragement!
And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God's promise to Abraham belongs to you. Gal. 3:29
Desert Sage
Dec 13, 2022
In Words of Encouragement!
But each day the LORD pours HIS unfailing Love upon me, and through each night I sing HIS songs, praying to GOD who gives me life.
Desert Sage
Dec 10, 2022
In Words of Encouragement!
Dear God, content media
Desert Sage
Dec 09, 2022
In Words of Encouragement!
Candice Simmons There is nothing I will not conquer when you trust Me and look to Me. I will deal swiftly with every plan of the enemy to defeat you or to slow your advance in My ways. There is nothing hidden from My eyes. I call you to walk with Me in Light and never fear the darkness. Shadows will never harm you, even if you were to walk through the darkest valley of despair I am there. The brightness of My presence will chase away every shadow and remove every fear. I am your shield. I will protect you from the fiercest foe that rises up against you. Come closer to Me and live close to My heart. I will bring you into the Secret Place and give you rest. Let nothing trouble you, for My presence will be your peace. Lay your head upon My shoulder and rest with Me. I am a secure place and a Safe Room for you. Entwine your heart with Mine until we are one. Give up trying to please Me, for you already are perfect in My eyes. It is the slanderer who will always wound you in your weakness. I will strengthen you in weakness until you stand complete, wearing My robe, My armor. Liberate your soul before Me. There is nothing to fear, for I have known all about you and your struggles and still I call you My own, My dear one. Leave behind the world of whispering men and live in Me and listen to My whispers and you will be strong. I will be faithful, even when you see your weak and frail heart, I will be faithful to the end. Did I not come and wash the feet of those I love? I will wash away the sting of your past and the defilement of your life until even your former ways will be forgotten. Enter into the heavenly realm and take your seat with Me. We will live above the fray. By passing into My presence you will enter the realm of divine love, a perfect love that will cast out every fear. Come as close to Me as you want to be. Choose the place nearest My heart, the place of deepest love, and I will reveal My glorious secrets to you. It no longer matters if you are alone in your sacred quest. For I will cast out loneliness from your heart. I will draw you deeper into My ways and I will meet every need you have. I will be your Holy Friend and Faithful Lover. You will discover that I am enough. Others will come and go, but you will linger and stay with Me in the sacred solitude. Enter into My holy ecstasy, the joining of two becoming one. Fuse your spirit into Me, and you will experience what only My sacred lovers know, for I am Satisfaction beyond any pleasure and I am companionship beyond any fellowship known on earth. Enter into My cloud-filled chamber and I will give the wine of My love, the joy of My heart, the peace of My kingdom and the power of My Spirit. You will become the echo of My heartbeat as two hearts beat as one. Sacred union in My chamber will make you a dispenser of mercy to those who mistreat you or misunderstand you. Come and sit with Me on My Mercy Seat, where My love is enthroned. Hebrews 12:28 The Passion Translation "Since we are receiving an expanding and unshakeable kingdom we should be extremely thankful and offer God the purest worship that pleases His heart as we lay down our lives in absolute surrender, filled with awe!"
Desert Sage
Dec 09, 2022
In Words of Encouragement!
God's not done. He's not through with you. He's still moving mountains. He's still breaking chains. He's still coming through. He's still a healer. He's still speaking peace to troubled waters. Lord, we thank you there's nothing too hard for you. There's nothing too small for you. You are God and beside you there is no other. You are faithful. You are able. We are grateful and we give you praise. - Steven Furtick
Desert Sage
Nov 25, 2022
Desert Sage
Nov 23, 2022
In Words of Encouragement!
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